Millions of people on the planet spend their money gambling every year. Not all of them are lucky to break the cherished big score, but the risk does not stop lovers of fast money. Specialized organizations annually conduct research, which collects statistics on average spending in casinos for each game. Roulette – one of the most popular gambling. It attracts with its seeming simplicity, but to win it is not easy. Are there any tricks that can be used to increase the chance of winning? How do you know what number will fall in roulette online? Yes, there are some tricks. If you take advantage of our recommendations, you’ll make the right bets more often.

How do you guess roulette numbers

Cornell University (USA) staff have discovered several simple secrets that allow to effectively predict the game results. Their advice is as follows:

  1. Don’t bet right away. Watch for a while the trajectory of the wheel and the behavior of the ball. Give it at least half an hour. It is important to concentrate as much as possible on the process: Do not pay attention to outside stimuli – sounds, movements of the dealer and other players.
  2. If you have enough money, choose the same number all the time, gradually increasing the bet. This is quite risky, but winning will cover the cost. Try to start with small bets and guess when it is worth raising.
  3. Go around all the roulette tables when you enter the establishment. Take a close look at them: If the wheel shows minor damage, tiny scratches or chips, it means it’s been in use for quite some time. In this case, there is the possibility of defects that will cause the ball to hit a sector more often. This is also true for online casinos, where such situations may arise from failures in the program random number generator.
  4. Having chosen a strategy game, stick to it throughout the session. For example, if you decide to put in two rounds on even / odd numbers, then the red / black and only then – on a number, then follow this scheme all the time. It is not recommended to place it chaotically, on a hunch. The systemized game usually shows a higher efficiency.

This is the answer to the question of how to know the number at roulette. It is also important to decide on the size of bets. Experienced players recommend betting extremely modest amounts first. If you don’t get your number for 37 rounds, double the bet and keep it up. Next time it’s better to double after 19 spins. Then – after 10, 6, 4, 2. If you see that you have already lost 90% of your money, immediately stop and switch to another game or go home. Please note that this method is only suitable for those with a large budget. In any case, it’s best to start with a minimum bet, no matter how much money you have.

In conclusion

Please note that none of the methods described above gives a 100% guarantee of winning. And the worst thing is that a gambler, even after losing money, continues to play, inspired by success. In the end, he still loses all his money. Yes, there are cases when someone desperately puts all the remaining chips on a specific number and his bet wins.  But such luck happens terribly rarely. So you should be extremely careful about the game and do not forget that gambling is always a risk. 
If you do not want to take risks, you can find casino free online, where you will have the opportunity to play roulette and other games for free. The network has many similar casinos, so you should not have any problems. It is also important to be able to develop your own game strategy and budget. The strategy will help you systematize your actions, and with a limited budget you will reduce the risk of losing a large amount of money.