If you want to win at YouTube casino slots, you must know how to spot a good channel. Typically, successful casino slots players have a channel that updates regularly. Moreover, they do not advertise gambling or over-exaggerate their wins. Therefore, you can trust their channel. But you have to take a few precautions.

YouTube casino slots players update their channels frequently

If you want to see the latest in slot machines, subscribe to YouTube channel of casino slots players. These channels regularly update their channels with new content. Many of these YouTubers also make money through advertising, Super Chats, and tour dates. If you can earn money playing slots, then you can also try your luck in selling merchandise through your channel.

Some popular slot channels have huge followings and regular uploads. Most of these channels are millennials, so you can be sure that they won’t be stereotypical retirees who do not win big. Moreover, these channels provide free advertising for the casinos that let YouTubers film their games.

There are many YouTube channels dedicated to playing slot machines. Some of these channels have video tutorials to teach you how to play slots. Some of these channels even feature real-money slot machines. Some of these channels are so popular that they have full-time staff to help them. However, you should be aware that most of these channels are not allowed to post explicit videos.

Fortunately, YouTube is restoring YouTube channels. However, many users are having trouble contacting the company about their problems. The company encourages users to use their Twitter account to contact them but this is often met with generic replies. The good news for slots YouTubers is that the channel has been restored, and some of them continue to upload videos regularly.

They don’t advertise gambling

Many of the popular slot machine channels on YouTube are safe to watch as long as they don’t violate YouTube’s policies regarding gambling. The company employs over 10,000 employees and volunteers to monitor the content of its channels. In fact, they flag over 3 million videos each month. In January 2018, it changed its policy regarding revenue-generating channels. Then, in June, it started suspending channels related to slots.

Though these videos are often interpreted by low rollers as fake high-hyped jackpots, some YouTube channels feature real wins and share them with viewers. These videos are a great motivational resource for those who are new to the games and want to improve their skills. The best YouTube channels also show games as they are actually played. This helps viewers become more familiar with the slot machines and learn the basics of their odds.

As for the ads themselves, YouTube is cautious about advertising gambling. In addition to preventing illegal gambling, it also bans advertisements related to politicians and election campaigns. YouTube has also removed advertisements related to alcohol and prescription drugs. The reason behind this is unclear. However, it’s important to know that YouTube doesn’t want to lose money, so they’ve taken measures to keep their videos safe. Therefore, it’s best to avoid posting advertisements of gambling on its channel.

However, a growing community of slot-centric content creators are making money on YouTube by posting videos of casino slot games. One of the most popular channels on the site boasts over 1,100 subscribers and 50 million views in one week.